ABM TacticsTech

Terminus and LinkedIn Go Hand-In-Hand with Targeted Messaging and Better Measurement



Terminus sat down with Garrett Stevens, Marketing Communications Manager at Zoot Enterprises, to discuss account-based advertising on LinkedIn, and how Terminus simplifies that process. The main value of Terminus on LinkedIn is that it’s a one-stop-shop. In addition, Terminus provides top-notch targeting capabilities on LinkedIn, as well as a convenient way to see metrics all in a single place.

LinkedIn is more than a handy platform that connects professionals; it also presents an unlimited opportunity to carry out targeted advertising opportunities. But how does LinkedIn advertising work with Terminus? Terminus sat down with Garret Stevens to find out.

According to Stevens, the main value of Terminus is that it has everything a marketer needs all in one platform. 

In an age where marketers may be managing several campaigns at once, seeing how campaigns are doing across channels from Terminus makes things more convenient and streamlined.

Stevens began LinkedIn advertising through Terminus with the idea that he wanted to build brand awareness first, as awareness is the beginning step in the buyer’s journey. After delivering relevant messaging for that stage, Stevens wanted to expand what he was doing with a single customer through a one-to-one ABM campaign.

Pressing forward, Stevens will use the detailed information they have about their customer and plug it into Terminus so that only those people are targeted. After all, the core takeaway from ABM is delivering the right message to the right people at the right time on their terms.

Stevens feels that with Terminus, his team at Zoot Enterprises is getting a whole lot better at targeting. Before Terminus, he felt that Zoot’s audience was too narrow and specific. While his audience got bigger, his message got more focused and specific. 

Utilizing several forms of tactics—LinkedIn, AdWords, Terminus, digital advertising, etc.—Stevens plans to build a message specific to each company in their sights. Since acquiring new customers is more expensive than expanding with current customers, Stevens chose to do just that, selecting the best of customers from his collection and picking one or two.

In summary, LinkedIn is great for reaching B2B buyers that use the channel regularly. Terminus can execute that LinkedIn strategy.

Original article from Terminus on 9 May 2019. 

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